Epinex Diagnostics specializes in the development of innovative rapid tests that target major deficiencies in the existing healthcare market, including diabetes monitoring and diagnosis, rheumatoid arthritis, advanced glycation endproducts, and Down syndrome.
Epinex’s business is the creation of rapid diagnostic tests that dramatically improve the flow of critical health information between patient and physician, bring the two closer together, and encourage more effective decision making than is possible with currently available medical diagnostics. The Company’s initial product, the G1A™test, turns a currently available testing technology, chromatographic immunoassay, into a powerful new tool through creative application of existing testing parameters.
Epinex plans to leverage its success in the diabetes monitoring market to the development of a line of innovative multi-parameter diagnostic tests that use either disposable strips or biosensors and are read, analyzed and stored using a handheld device. These tests will greatly advance the rapid flow of information about a patient’s condition to the health practitioner. The Company’s products will be targeted initially to the POC (Point Of Care), POL (Physician Office Laboratory), and retail pharmacy/OTC (Over The Counter) market segments. The Company’s customers will include doctors’ offices, hospitals, emergency rooms, wholesale distributors and pharmacies.
Epinex Diagnostics was founded in 2002 by three pioneers in the biomedical device industry with a combined experience of more than 70 years in biomedical engineering, product design and development, and medical device marketing. They have been joined by an advisory board of distinguished scientists, experts in marketing and management, and leaders in the field of diabetes care.