Epinex has prepared a series of corporate informational documents that we hope will provide critical data for our partners, collaborators, supporters, doctors, educators and investors concerned about the growing worldwide epidemic of diabetes and the problems and opportunities it presents to the healthcare industry.
Understanding Diabetes
This report presents a comprehensive introduction to diabetes. It reviews basic information about diabetes types, causes and current treatment, examines the prevalence of diabetes worldwide and the economic burden it imposes on healthcare systems, and examines some of the long-term issues that affect diabetes diagnosis and care in the coming decades. It concludes with a look at the current state of diabetes monitoring, one of the most critical issues in the control of diabetes, and looks to new possibilities for helping to stem the tide of this worldwide epidemic.
Diabetes Prevention – Challenge and Opportunity
This report presents information on the current state of diabetes prevention and control initiatives. It defines the problem in terms of numbers, trends, and costs; and discusses the changes that will be brought about by implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in the United States. This report also outlines recent advances in diabetes monitoring brought about by the adoption of glycated albumin (GA) as a new standard of measurement, and the ways that GA can work synergistically with the most effective methods of diabetes control currently advocated.
Glycated Albumin and Diabetes Monitoring Research Update
This report offers a complete review of the scientific and research literature relating to glycated albumin. It describes in detail the glycation process and the resulting structure of the glycated albumin molecule; the mechanisms by which GA causes damage to tissues in the body; and the connection to many of the most common and most devastating complications of diabetes. It presents a detailed description of the existing and potential clinical applications for a rapid test that measures intermediate glycemia using glycated albumin.
Glycated Albumin and Diabetes Monitoring
This report offers a complete review of the scientific and research literature relating to glycated albumin. It describes in detail the glycation process and the resulting structure of the glycated albumin molecule; the mechanisms by which GA causes damage to tissues in the body; and the connection to many of the most common and most devastating complications of diabetes. It presents a detailed description of the existing and potential clinical applications for a rapid test that measures intermediate glycemia using glycated albumin.
Towards a New Glycation Index
The first of the Company’s informational documents, this report was prepared by Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Vern Roohk of the University of California, Irvine. It reviews the history and development of diabetes monitoring, followed by a thorough introduction to the biological principles that underlie the G1A™ Rapid Diabetes Monitoring Index Test for glycated albumin, developed by Company co-founder, Dr. Henry Smith.
Diabetes in the Middle East – Update
This report provides an update on the current status of the diabetes epidemic in the Middle East, three years after Epinex published its initial report. Since that time, great advancements have been made in healthcare, particularly in the six member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. The update describes the initiatives being undertaken in the GCC, the unique challenges faced by the region, and the latest advancements in the understanding of diabetes healthcare.